汪民安:人们能在阿海这里看到孤独和伤感——阿海遵循的是传统水墨画的体制,但是,他表达的则是一个经典的现代主义主题。也就是说,他用过去的方式,来回应当代的问题。就此,水墨承受了当代性的考验。人们总是说,水墨是古旧生活方式的产物,它不适用于今天。但是,今天,人们看到了水墨的当代性,人们既可以通过水墨来表述当代生活,也可以通过水墨来表达当代的情绪。Wang Min'an: People can see loneliness and sadness here in A Hai-- A Hai follows the traditional ink painting mechanism, but what he expresses is a classical modernist theme. In other words, he responded to contemporary problems in the way of the past. In this regard, water and ink has withstood the test of modernity. People always say that water and ink painting is a product of the ancient lifestyle and it is not suitable for today. However, today, we can see the contemporary nature of water and ink painting. We can express contemporary life through water and ink painting. We can also express contemporary emotions through water and ink painting.
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱