朱朱:他在绘画中构建的那个自我,显得感伤,颓靡,茫然若失,尽管在不少的画卷中他都引入了怪诞、俗艳的当代日常生活意象以及带有狂欢色彩的超现实情境,却难以消解一种仿佛出自骨子里的忧郁感;他用以自喻的那个漂浮于水面的裸体男人形象,折射着一个为秋光和落英而低回的南唐词人,一个为“梦里不知身是客”而悔疚的还乡者,而他所采用的双面晕染的特殊技法,也使得画面的色调来得沉郁与漫漶,映衬出空幻的追忆氛围。Zhu Zhu: The self he constructed in his paintings is sentimental, decadent and vacant. Although he has introduced grotesque and gaudy images of contemporary daily life and surreal situations with carnival colors in many picture scrolls, it is difficult to dispel a feeling of melancholy that seems to come from inside his bones. The "naked man floating on the surface of the water" image that he uses as self-metaphor reflects a poet from the Southern Tang Dynasty who moans over the shifting autumn light and fallen flowers. A rueful home-comer who "doesn't know where he is when he wakes up in the middle of the night". His special technique of double vignette also made the tone of the picture gloomy and unfocused, reflecting an atmosphere of illusory reminiscence.
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱