上海青年写实绘画沙龙全体组织委员会祝贺大家新春快乐,万事如意!The Organizing Committee of the Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon wishes all of you a happy New Year and the best of luck in your endeavors!2018年是上海青年写实绘画沙龙不断进步,不断学习的一年,也是成果斐然的一年。2018 has not only been a year of continuing progress and learning for Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon, but also a proud year when our remarkable achievementshave been celebrated.上海青年写实绘画沙龙2018回忆录Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting SalonMemoir of 20183月西画东渐March
The eastward dissemination of Western paintings意大利文化教育基金会与上海青年写实绘画沙龙亲切会晤并且深入交谈Representatives of Italian Cultural Education Funds and Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon had a cordial meeting and carried out an in-depth conversation.4月April
征稿启示第二届上海基础美术教育成果展征稿活动正式启动!Contributions WantedThe contributions invitation activity for the 2nd Shanghai Basic Fine Arts Education Achievement Exhibition wasofficially launched!5月写生活动MaySketching Activity
上海青年写实绘画沙龙受邀参加长宁写实活动Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon was invited to participate in the sketching activity in Changning
展览进程上海基础美术教育成果展评稿研讨会The progress of the ExhibitionSubmission Contribution Review Seminar for the Shanghai Basic Fine Arts Education Achievement Exhibition6月June
展览开幕第二届上海基础美术教育成果展顺利开幕Inauguration of the exhibitionThe opening of the 2nd Shanghai Basic Fine Arts Education Achievement Exhibition was successfully initiated!7月学院与沙龙JulyCollege and Salon
学院派绘画学术交流座谈会Academic Symposium and Exchange on Academic-StylePaintings8-9月August to September
黄金时代——解忧连枝上海市重大文艺创作选题孵化项目油画创作中期成果汇报展Golden Age - the Inter-State Marriage of Princess JieyouExhibition on the Mid-Term Achievements of Oil Painting Creation of the Shanghai Major Literary and Art Creation Topics Incubation Project
10月解忧连枝创作历程OctoberCreation Process of "the Marriage of Princess Jieyou"《天际苍苍》刘元
——唐·陆龟蒙上海青年写实绘画沙龙会长刘双的创作之路The Journey of Creation Undertaken by President LIU Shuang of Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon11-12月November to December
19世纪学院派绘画学院派绘画名家系列长期连载项目正式开始Academic Paintings of the 19th CenturyThe long-term serialization project of the academic-stylepainting series was officially launched.在此,上海青年写实绘画沙龙筹备委员会全体成员感谢每一位帮助、支持我们的老师和朋友。感谢你们的奉献和一臂之力,使得上海青年写实绘画沙龙能够不断成长、学习!希望在新的一年里,我们能够共同努力、共同进步,为上海的古典油画艺术添砖加瓦,更上一层楼!All members of the Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon Preparatory Committee would like to thank each of our instructors and friends for their help and support. Only because of your dedication and support can the Salon make continued progress and keep on learning! As we welcome the new year, I hope that we can not only strive and develop together, but also actively contribute to the development of classical oil painting art in Shanghai, and propel it to a greater heights!上海青年写实绘画沙龙是以上海青年为主体,以写实绘画创作、研究、教学为一体的组织机构。Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon is an organization that integrates realistic painting creation, research, and teaching in the cultivation of Shanghai young talents.上海青年写实绘画沙龙Shanghai Youth Realistic Painting Salon
[广告] 作品编号10031705,字画之家保真在售
李子玉作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱