程亚杰风景油画《罗马小溪》,27*37cm,1994年作landscape oil painting Roman Stream, 27*37cm, 1994
没有比叶赛宁的抒情诗《白桦》更能贴近这幅画了:在我的窗前,有一棵白桦,仿佛涂上银霜,披了一身雪花。毛茸茸的枝头,雪绣的花边潇洒,串串花穗齐绽,洁白的流苏如画。在朦胧的寂静中,玉立着这棵白桦。在灿灿的金晖里闪着晶亮的雪花。白桦四周徜徉着姗姗来迟的朝霞,它向白雪皑皑的树枝又抹一层银色的光华。闭上眼睛,这幅画会浮现在脑海中,久久的不会离去,不会离去,也许永远的不会离去!Reveries: Cheng Yajie's Oil Painting Roman Stream
I once stopped and stared at this painting, reluctant to leave the beauty, the tranquility, the passion rippling with the stream and the love for this birch forest.
Nothing is more appropriate than Yesenin's lyric poem The Birch to describe this painting.The birch beneathMy windowsillStands like a wreathIn the silver chillOf winter, whiteIn the faint glowOf early lightAnd softest snow.The birch still yieldsStars at this time,Though over fieldsSun breaks through rime.Dawn wakes the groundsAnd sleeping ploughs,But makes its roundsThrough silver boughs.When I shut my eyes, this painting looms up in my mind and stays for a long, long time, or even for ever!
[广告] 作品编号10032094,字画之家保真在售
吴东俣作品 / 68×68cm / 软片未裱