他运用了平淡中和的图式,让各类物象 ,如同标本一样,平白地罗列其中。渗透着万物为一,不生不灭的思考......
About work:
Time change,years go by.An old journal,and things that once carried the emotions and will of people,exist in a time that is still in or out of circulation.
In this series,He choose relatively representational realism to appear this kind of feeling by Chinese ink and paper.And the traces of the years have been traced by a brushstroke.In the process ofhandpainting,experience the existence of those who are not light not weight.
He used a plain and neutral schema, let all kinds of images, as samples, and no reasons. Everything is permeated with a thinking, neither dying nor born..
艺术家简历:况枢锋 (Shufeng Kuang)
Academy of arts&design,Tsinghua University.bachelor's degree.
China Central Academy of Fine Arts(CAFA)Master of Fine Art.
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱