艺术家:Candida Höfer 陈栋帆 方伟 郭熙 廖文峰
新年伊始,清影艺术空间以“ON AIR”开启2018年的新展览。
此次“ON AIR”项目将荣幸的呈现Candida Höfer、陈栋帆、方伟、郭熙、廖文峰共5位艺术家的创作。其中,Candida Höfer擅长拍摄空间主题和特殊活动空间的大型照片,建立起建筑空间、历史与社会心理的宏大图景;陈栋帆近期以“肖像”为借题,捕捉现代社会人们的精神生活与图像之间的联系;方伟通过虚构和图像拼合的方式,试图凝聚人在社会生活中的心理活动;郭熙突破固有的意识形态,通过装置、绘画、表演等多种方式来寻找现实深处的隐藏的真实;廖文峰则通过录像、绘画等手段展现出对生活超越常规的观察与多重视角的呈现。
Candida Höfer Chen Dongfan Fang Wei Guo Xi Liao Wenfeng
Date: 2018.1.20-3.10
Place: Block No.12, 139 Liu He Road,Hangzhou, China
Organizer: Inna Art Space
2018 ON AIR: Restart
At the start of this new year, the Inna Art Space is proud to present the exhibition ON AIR, a new exhibition for 2018.
ON AIR proudly presents works by the following five artists: Candida Höfer, Chen Dongfan, Fang Wei, Guo Xi & Liao Wenfeng. Candida Höfer produces large scale photographs of architecture and institutional space, constructing vistas both of architectural space and historical- social psychologies. Recently, taking the notion of the “portrait” as a premise, Chen Dongfan grasps the impact images have one people’s inner lives. Taking fiction and collage as media, Fang Wei condenses the inner dimensions of people’s social intercourses. In his installations, paintings and work in other media, Guo Xi deconstructs inherent mindsets to present observations which transcend prevailing norms, his work taking on an array of different visual manifestations. Liao wenfeng reveals his extraordinary observations of life, and multi-perspective expressions through his videos and paintings.
The exhibition begins January 20. 2018 and continues through to March 10. Entry is free so please do drop by.
关于“ON AIR”
“ON AIR”是清影艺术空间的一个不定期进行的展览、活动项目。
“ON AIR”通常的意思是“播出中”,我们这个项目取其“正在进行”的含义。在展览或者活动期间,我们的微信订阅号上会以每日一推的方式直播现场作品。同时,也会和艺术家们进行一些项目合作,呈现正在发生的、进行中的、未完成的状态、事件、作品或者思考。打开展厅内和外的关系,让“之间”的状态弥散。
About “ON AIR”
On Air is a new series of ongoing events and exhibitions conceived by the Inna Art Space.
Typically, "ON AIR" suggests something "being broadcast". Here however, we draw rather on its implication of things "in progress". For the duration of these exhibitions and events, we will make once-daily posts via our WeChat account to provide live streamings of the works in-situ. At the same time, we will also enter into multiple collaborations with the artists participating, making manifest their ideas about states, happenings and artworks that are themselves presently occurring,in progress, inconclusive or irresolute. By forging links between the inside and outside of the gallery space, we thus permit that this quality of the "liminal" pervade and areas more broadly.
[广告] 作品编号10034475,字画之家保真在售
乾采雨作品 / 45×68cm / 软片未裱