国画家兼雕塑家Louise Terrier是宫崎骏动画的忠实拥趸。她从吉卜力工作室的卡通电影中寻找灵感,添加自己的创意,重新描绘了宫崎骏动漫的经典场景。她的画作浪漫奔放,奇幻华丽,展现出与原作不一样的水彩风格。
“When people ask me: where does that creative energy come from? I would say I don’t know! But it’s just a part of me, like my nose in the middle of my face! Even though my studies take the most part of my time, the pleasure to paint never leaves me.”
[广告] 作品编号10030953,字画之家保真在售
王孝华作品 / 68×68cm / 软片未裱