来来来, 我们来喝一杯 红酒?二锅头?红牛?你想喝什么就带什么喝什么不是重点聊什么才是关键不过到底聊什么我们也不太清楚也许是今天的天气,也许是艺术,也许是…其实就是艺术家们觉得这个地方太适合喝两杯扯扯淡(实际上他们已经偷偷干了)所以我们决定把香格纳M50空间包!下!来!展览期间,每周六晚,一张桌子,只给四个人你们也许是陌生人,也许是朋友,不过这些都不重要来就好,反正也不要你钱就像来来来这个群展名一样 Come on, let's have a drink Wine? Erguotou? Monster? Just bring your favourite drinksWe don't care what you gonna bringWe just want you to come and have a chatSo, weather, art or whatever: you decide what you like to talkTo be honest, it is just our artists think we should not waste such an atmospheric place on Saturday night(They have already done once secretly)Then we decided to open ShanghART M50 space to you guysEvery Saturday night, an exclusive table for only four peopleIt doesn't matter whether you know each other or not. Just comeWe won't charge you. We just want to "SOW" you来来来展览现场 & 喝一杯现场 | This is where you gonna have a drink!
本周六开始,每周六晚上六点半到八点半直到展览结束(三月二十八至四月二十九)需要预定,预定请联系耿健gengjian@shanghartgallery.com预定格式:姓名+人数+预定日期+手机号码预定请至少提前两天每晚限四人酒水自带,香格纳画廊将会提供小食 Simple Rules!Every Saturday, 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.(From 28 March to 29 April)Reservation is essential. Contact Jian for reservationgengjian@shanghartgallery.comPlease email us with your names, numbers of people, date and contact detailsBook at least two days in advance. Max.4 people every nightPlease bring your own bottles. ShanghART Gallery will provide snacks艺术家"小酌”现场
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱