《圆,但是不圆》展览现场圆,但是不圆我们去打猎吗?是。我今天会睡觉吗?是。生活有意义吗?否。是否有来生?是。幸福需要很多才可以获得吗?否。我会碰到女朋友吗?Anton会参军吗?我的儿子会去一个破旧不堪的医院吗?存在有意义吗?否。我会去乐高乐园吗? ——引自《Yes/No Egg——叶卡捷琳堡》笔记本四,第109、110页
生活工作于柏林的艺术家(Bignia Wehrli)宾雅和廖文峰(Liao Wenfeng)的双人展《圆,但是不圆》于2017年3月25日下午在清影艺术空间开幕。除了呈现各自的创作, 展览还展现了两个艺术家从2015年在俄罗斯开始的合作项目《Yes/No Egg》——一个用于回答问题的“工具”。本次展览由清影艺术空间(Inna Art Space)主办,将持续至5月10日。一片西瓜-方一片西瓜-三角一片西瓜-锥形
在宾雅的创作中,她常使用自制的仪器,来测量、捕捉和凝固转瞬即逝的痕迹。例如在她的摄影装置作品《太阳圆规》里,一个被改造成针孔照相机的打字机盒子,在河流中作线性漂流运动时用感光相纸纪录下了环形的太阳相对运动轨迹,它呈现出了恒定力量与偶发变量之间的矛盾与平衡。廖文峰则常截断并重设图像与常识的之间关联,将似是而非,似非而是的判断注入到对日常生活的凝视中。例如在他的录像作品《秒草》,一根草丛中的草被固定在钟的秒针轴上 , 从而使这根草按照秒钟的节奏作循环的圆周运动。
在《圆,但是不圆》中呈现的个人创作——不单展现了他们对悖论的兴趣,还有在日常及自然环境中对诗性的探寻。而他们的合作项目《Yes/No Egg》则通过偶发、克制的游戏规则与神性而荒诞的解答方式,追问理性轨迹之外的答案。它提供给观众的将是偶然性带来的惊喜,以及一种自省的契机。
A Circle, But Not Round
Are we going hunting? Yes.
Will I sleep today? Yes.
Is there a meaning to life? No.
Is there life after death? Yes.
Does it take a lot to be happy? No.
Will I find a girlfriend?
Will Anton join the army?
Will my son be admitted to some decrepit old hospital?
Is there a meaning to existence? No.
Will I ever visit LegoLand?
— Yes/No Egg — Yekaterinburg Book 4,pp. 109, 110
The Inna Art Space is proud to announce the opening of the exhibition A circle, but not round — featuring works by Berlin based artists Bignia Wehrli and Liao Wenfeng. Aside from displaying individual artworks by both artists, the exhibition also presents a collaboration project the two began in Russia during the year 2015, Yes/No Egg — a question solving “tool” of sorts.
Bignia Wehrli and Liao Wenfeng are both artists adept in redeploying and exaggerating detailed aspects of the everyday to deconstruct and inquire deeper into the hardened understandings and mental logics which underpin these. Both address matters of image, painting and text in their work and present observations pertaining to our own, lived circumstances, manifesting in present, moving space and time.
Bignia Wehrli’s works often employ measuring devices of the artist’s making to capture and transform ephemeral traces. One example is the photographic installation Sonnenzirkel (Solar Circle), where a typewriter case is adapted to produce a pinhole camera. Floating down the river, the case recorded traces of the sun’s relative motions on the photographic paper within, making manifest both the paradoxes and correspondences that exist between consistency and fluctuation.
Addressing aspects of the everyday, Liao Wenfeng cuts and rearranges the bonds connecting image and our understanding of this with consistently intriguing results. An example of this can be found in the video work Second Grass, where the movements of one blade within a patch of grass are set to fit the motions of a clock’s second, it’s moving thus with this in kind.
The works in the exhibition.A circle, but not round not only manifest each artist’s fascination with paradox, but also their inquiries into the poetics of nature and the everyday.Aside from this, adopting an explicatory mode both mysterious and absurd, the collaborative work Yes/No Egg playfully embraces happenstance and stricture to pose questions transcending the borders of reason, thus providing the viewer with both the joy of chance occurrence and an opportunity for self-reflection.
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱