Opening: 4pm – 7pm, March 11, 2017
开幕:2017年03月11日16:00 - 19:00
Exhibition: March 11, 2017 – April 22, 2017
展期:2017年03月11日—— 2017年04月22日
Artists: Chen Wenji, Chen Yufan, JiDachun, Li Dazhi, LuoMingjun, Shi Xinji, Wang Yabin
The beginning of Contemporary Fine Arts relationship to AYE gallery dates back to 2012 when we happened to have booths next to each other at Art Basel Hong Kong. We had absolutely no experience with each other at that time. The ice was broken rapidly by both directors’curiosity to art and thirsts for the new. Several years later, on the occasion of the Georg Baselitz solo show “Sigmund” at AYE gallery last Fall, a so far climax of our relationship, I had the pleasure of visiting some artists’ studios. I was impressed by the each of them and the quality of their works.
The variety of AYE Gallery’s artists and their quality lead my partner Bruno Brunnet and myself to the idea to invite AYE gallery to curate an exhibition togetherwith a selection of artists they represent. It was important for us to select some artists which would be most interesting for a Western audience. A “blank cheque” is by definition a cheque bearing a signature but no stated amount and thus requires confidence in its recipient.This is just the trust what we give to AYE.
CFA与AYE关系的开始可以追溯到2012年,我们在香港巴塞尔艺术博物会的展位恰好相邻。当时双方对对方都没有了解。但双方画廊总监对艺术的好奇及对新东西的渴望使得双方开始互相了解。多年后的2016年秋,机缘巧合,Georg Baselitz在AYE画廊举办了个展“Sigmund”——这也成了双方关系的高潮,我本人专程来北京参加开幕,并有幸参观了一些艺术家工作室,对他们的艺术作品留下了深刻的印象。
AYE画廊艺术家及艺术作品的多样性也让我和我的另一位合作伙伴Bruno Brunnet产生了一个想法:邀请AYE画廊共同策划一个展览,选择一些西方观众感兴趣的艺术家及作品。“空白支票”,顾名思义,是具有签名但没有规定金额的支票,因此需要对其收款人有绝对的信心。这种信任正是我们对AYE画廊的信任。
Contemporary Fine Arts总监
Nicole Hackert
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱