展览项目“趴刻”由八个艺术家组成,除了梅林• 杰姆斯(Merlin James)在其意象的诗人般的世界里一直惬意地玩着视觉这个“漫长的游戏”。大类上我们可以认同伊萨贝拉• 诺兰(Isabel Nolan), 里亚姆• 杰里柯(Liam Gillick), 周力等在公共艺术和大型装置上已颇有建树且口碑甚佳; 在抽象语言的范畴里肖恩• 斯库利(Sean Scully)、卡拉莫• 伊内斯(Callum Innes)、周力、丽莲• 托马斯寇(LillianneTomasko)、刘可等,一方面在相关艺术史叙述里已有稳据磐石者,或正明确自身所处位置; 另一方面他们的语言又兀自独立各有所述极具个体魅力。这也正是这个展览值得期待与让人兴奋之处。“趴刻”缘起科林画廊艺术总监达沃• 霍根(Darragh Hogan) 和我在广州的一次深度交流,在“趴刻”里,如达沃所述,期待这几个个性强烈鲜明的艺术家的齐聚实现一种新的力量与生长!
2017 年2 月18 日于广东
In the history of mankind, the existence of artists is indispensable, for they are sensitive toward the unknown mysterious world, which they perceive with their distinctive perception. When the barriers of language keep us far from the reality, they have already conveyed their
insightful observation with their specific art forms. After modernism our cognition of the world no longer stays at the dimension of “looks like”, through the objective atmosphere and its connections artists practice their art to expound their relationship of this world: subjectand object, mental activity and intelligence, social reality and individual emotions and so on, many factors are summarized and presented through their art works.
The exhibition “PARK” is composed by eight artists, in addition to Merlin James who is having fun to play the “Long game” in his poetry and imagery visual world, to a certain extent, almost we can agree that Isabel Nolan, Liam Gillick and Zhou Li have been established in the field of public art with their large installations and they have earned their good reputation in this field. In the category of abstract language, Sean Scully, Callum Innes, Zhou Li, LillianneTomasko, Liu Ke, etc., on one hand,some have already been in the map of modern art history, and some have known the positions where they are; on the other hand each of them has their peculiar language and their unique charm. This is exactly what the exhibition is worth to expect to. "PARK" origins from a deep talk of Darragh Hogan (art director of Kerlin gallery) and me in Guangzhou in the year of 2016. In "PARK", as Darragh Hogan has stressed, to expect the growth of a fresh force from these distinctive
artists who are of strong personalities would be exciting...
Wang Yefu
18 February 2017, Guangdong
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱