I haven't seen Wei Xin in person, but I am familiar with him. He seems like a restless artist, wild, passionate and ambitious. He throws himself into his work. Painting and pouring glaze and slip onto the clay forms, he lets out his passion and desire by having the glazes flow and overlap naturally along the surfaces. He enjoys seeing the unexpected interaction of the glaze and slip during a flow-back at a temperature as high as 1300 centigrade degrees. It gives the feeling of opening the fences all of a sudden and letting the cattle and sheep flush into the pastures, into the green, flowing with the wind and the clouds, exploring the unlimited possibilities that the world has to offer. This is what Wei Xin desires and expects and what he receives from his efforts. He loves to play with materials and lacquer, and to study the textures of tempera. Nurtured with the nutrition of the East and spices of the West,he takes a special interest in the clay. In resent few years,many artists flood into the ceramic workshops in JingdeHen and duplicate the images from traditional ink paintings onto ready made clay wares. However, Wei Xin has made a different approach. He chooses to study the textural changes and incomplete beauty presented through clay quality, glaze and fire temperatures. What he experiences through the process is the wonders of natural rhythm and changes. The beauty of ceramics lies in naturalness. I'd be very happy to see more artists with the same desire, passion, and creativity as Wei Xin has. Let's keep the world's eyes polished when admiring our Chinese contemporary ceramics.Li Jiansheng director of Sanbao International Ceramic Art Village Museum mid-summer 2016
[广告] 作品编号10031833,字画之家保真在售
云峰作品 / 34×34cm / 软片未裱