意象油画《大都会之范》200×600cm 2015年 于天津美术馆Image Oil Painting The Style of a Metropolis200×600cm,2015,Tianjin Art Gallery夜色迷情那霓虹灯的彩唱闪烁着白炽的光茫天上的月亮倒影在古老的城墙河水流响的漪澜泛动起游鱼的鳞霞抒发着浪漫的云裳铁桥下岸柳边小径幽长和着秋风的爽凉轻轻地划过了船行的低淌繁华与安宁是都市拥抱的希望牵手着美妙的爱女还有心中的儿郎幸福地徜徉神圣的殿堂这一切点点滴滴的思恋装满了我梦里的故乡松针摇落海浪奔忙心潮澎湃鸟语花香一轮旭日冉冉升腾升腾在东方……赏评:刘学仁Tender is the nightObsessed by the neon colorGlittering with incandescent lightThe moon in the skyReflected on the ancient wallsThe riverFlowing and ripplingThe flashing glow of fish scalesExpressing a romantic atmosphereUnder the iron bridgeAlong the willow bankThe pathway is winding, peacefulThe autumn breezeCool and refreshingGently stroking the boat drifting awayProsperity and peaceIs the hope a metropolis embracesThe gorgeous loving ladyHand in hand with her darling partnerHappily wandering in the sacred palaceAll of theseEvery little bit of the memories and loveFilled the hometown in my dreamPine needle shaken downSea waves roaring and runningChoked with emotionsI heard the birds singing and smelt the fragrant flowersA morning sunSlowly, slowly risingRising in the east……Written by LIU Xueren
[广告] 作品编号10031904,字画之家保真在售
周艺作品 / 97×50cm / 软片未裱