1月27日18:00, 《革局》——久儷美术馆邀请展开幕酒会将在久儷百货1F久儷美术馆举行。欢迎各界艺术爱好者莅临,并参与现场交流。
The Opening Reception of Change——Jolie Gallery Exhibition will be held at 18:00, Jan 27th. Welcome to Jolie and enjoy communication with people who have passion for art.
Established in 2013, Shenyang Jolie Art Gallery has always been committing to promote the development of northern contemporary art and the collection of outstanding artists’ works. This invitation exhibition aims at showing the northern young artists’ works and combing the literatures.
As the location of the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang has been forming the academic pattern represented by academy of fine arts system. Facing the diversification of contemporary art and the baptism of the art market, the artistic environment of Shenyang will change eventually. As a private art gallery, for its academic attitude and the pursuit of art concept, Jolie will certainly leverage the artistic atmosphere of Shenyang.
In this exhibition, 22 young artists who are active in the field of contemporary art are invited. They all graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts. However, they walked out with their own way of creation and their own distinctive artistic style. This exhibition shows their recent works, which will bring us a wonderful reading experience.
It is difficult for any exhibition to cover all of the outstanding works. More artists' works will gradually be shown in future exhibitions. We hope that Jolie Art Gallery could offer a communication platform for artists and collectors, and provide more communication opportunities for them.
Wang Xingjie
January 18, 2016参展艺术家 Artists
毕建业 陈晗 付经岩 耿旖旎 宫名 黄亮 李大方 李威 马胤鑫 秦琦 宋元元 吴薇 王兴杰 许成 解勇 尹戈 赵银鸥 张新 张武运 张海君 张业兴 郑大弓
Bi Jianye, Chen Han, Fu Jingyan, Geng Yini, Gong Ming, Huang Liang, Li Dafang, Li Wei, Ma Yinxin, Qin Qi, Song Yuanyuan, Wu Wei, Wang Xingjie, Xu Cheng, Xie Yong, Yin Ge, Zhao Yin-ou, Zhang Xin, Zhang Wuyun, Zhang Haijun, Zhang Yexing, Zheng Dagong部分参展作品赏Art works from exhibition:毕建业《晚风》150cm x 120cm 布面油画 2015
陈晗《惩罚》35cm x 60cm 布上丙烯 2014
付经岩《静物——菠萝》75cm x 50cm 布面油画 2010
耿旖旎《不沉船运动》130cm x 100cm 布面油画 2014
宫名《橱窗》55cm x 100cm 布面油画 2015
黄亮《07年的人》60cm x 50cm 布面油画 2012~2015
李大方《海》80cm x 50cm 布面和板面结合油画 2015
李威《头骨》40cm x 50cm 布面油画 2011
马胤鑫《强光下》200cm x 120cm 布面油画 2015
秦琦《小厨娘》80cm x 60cm 布面油画 2014
宋元元《高尔夫办公》160cm x 129cm 布面油画 2015
吴薇《妈妈的信》100cm x 120cm 布面油画 2015
王兴杰《石榴》50cm x 60cm 布面油画 2014
许成 《无题》110cm x 150cm 纸盒、丙烯 2014
解勇《千针万痛•R》 60cm x 60cm x 128cm 缝衣针、不锈钢 2013
尹戈《HX-064》90cm x 60cm 布面丙烯 2013
赵银鸥 《2014年16号》37.5cm x 26cm 纸上 2014
张新《无题》50cm x 60cm 布面油画 2015
张武运《无题》90cm x 90cm 布面油画 2015
张海君《无题a》 100cm x 100cm 布面油画 2015
张业兴《书》40cm x 50cm 布面油画 2015
郑大弓《无题1》80cm x 60cm 布面油画 2014
[广告] 作品编号10031904,字画之家保真在售
周艺作品 / 97×50cm / 软片未裱