My paintings description/作品描述
Cryptic and surreal, the works offers a door into my dreams. Theemployment of appealing colours, the understated poetic human encounters withboth nature and urban spaces, and the wisdom expressed through dream-likeimages. To evoke memories and emotions with an economy of means, and forordinary experiences to resonate with importance.新加坡艺术家潘家定
The works seeks to get a reaction from viewers. Their imageries createsa nearly literally, interactive work of art. The effort of interpretation isrequired from the viewer.
Curator writing on my " The Little Ppaintings
策展人对“小画”的解读 Ben Puah is known as a painter’s painter in part because, despite theirostensible simplicity and modest scale, his works deftly resist being confinedby content or artistic movement.
The combination of innocence and utter conviction inherent in Ben’ssmall paintings is immediately and disarmingly apparent to viewers regardlessof whether they know anything about his story. Their honesty and sincerity isin every square inch of the canvas. He established a personal “zone,” and a wayof conceiving what a painting is, how it situates itself both as a physicalthing and as an object of contemplation that is unique in contemporary art.艺术家与观众面对面
对观者来说,无论他们是否了解本,他的“小画”中流露的童趣与内在的坚定信念都是显而易见的。而画面的角角落落亦都布满了如此的诚实与守信。在此,画家建立了一个自我“地带”以及一种构想方式,即“什么是画?它又是如何情景化地将自身作为物质对象和思考对象的?这恰好是当代艺术的独特之处。” ART WORKS/部分展览作品
《男人与粉色佛塔》布面油画,30cm×30cm《爱之心境》布面油画,30cm×30cm《蓝调摇滚歌手李》布面油画,30cm×40cm 左:《浪漫之路》布面油画,45cm×60cm 右:《自封的牛仔》布面油画,45cm×60cm 左:《放风筝》布面油画,30cm×30cm
中:《一路平安》布面油画,30cm×40cm 右:《黄砖路》布面油画,30cm×40cm
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱