苍凉、厚重、苦涩、轻松、嬉戏、娱乐感、陌生状,我都想拥有,看是不是能在合适的时候应用于我的创作之中,并可通过“静物”这一不变载体来表达我不断变化的心境。THE ARTIST’S STATEMENTGuoZhengshan
For an artist, the creation of a piece of artwork, of a series of artwork, or even his whole life’s artistic creation is always based on his own conditions and ever-changing environment, under which he seeks a way suitable for himself. Thus, his artistic view is not necessarily to be established on purpose. Some need to develop themselves through a constant change, while others seeks fundamental and substantial changes through a still or continuously repeated phenomenon. In terms of the artistic view, I am not the changing type, but focus more on the everlasting aspect of it—I believe in the eternity of art and the indefinite aspect of the puzzle of painting surface. Therefore, I have been obsessed in the past few decades with the creation of only one type of theme—still life. For me, artistic creation shall not be necessarily subversive, but is more likely to be long lasting peaceful evolution, just like Coca-Cola, which bears an ideal and unique taste only after numerous experimental changes except with no basic change of its carbonated water and sweet flavor. In my artistic practice, I am always counting on luck, hoping to achieve the unexpected ideal effects, though on many occasions I have been not successful.
In my artistic creation, I wish I am able to convey all those feelings: desolation, thickness, hardness, ease, entertainment, and/or strangeness. And I am always
hoping that I can express my continuously changing feeling through still life—an artistic theme that I have been dwelling on.
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱