在与自然的相处中,我竭尽全力想找到和它的某种深切联系,我慢慢体验到一种节奏,一种虔诚,它使我从不安中逐渐平静下来。那时,绘画成为一种朴素的劳动,一种耕种,让我觉得踏实。刘商英2015年5月Painting in Nature
When I devote myself to nature, it does not change; when I bring my paintings to nature, it remains as usual. Nature does not need to be painted or praised.
The beauty of wilderness overwhelms me, a so-called civilized human being. Getting closer and closer to the unknown world, we seem to have everything in control. The individual self was never the core of art in ancient times when painting was characterized with respect for nature. The moment human beings stepped on the moon, they lost their reverence for nature.
Painting, with tens of thousands years' history, is as difficult to define as human beings themselves. At this moment and in this place what is on my mind is to paint in nature, something that has no bearing on painting nature.
Ali is a vision, for it is by no means real to me. Looking so close, the boundless clouds are rolling and dancing, striking me as something rather indifferent. Painting there, we are like moths flying into the flame. Everyday at the same time I would fix the canvas there, but I would spend most of the time watching, two or three hours, I think. When gazing at the same place for a long time, I forget myself, along with art.
In order to be closer to ourselves, we have to travel far. Distance strengthens our will power, rids us of complexity, and saves us from sluggishness and trivial matters. On the long treks I explored what painting really means to me. There excitement and fear followed each other. Every year I went to the same place where I find the same stones lying there undisturbed. It was so close to me, but I knew nothing about Ali, as ignorant as I had been when I got there for the first time.
Trying to find the tie with nature, I, in its embrace, came to find a tempo and a kind of piety that restored me to calm and peace. Then painting became a kind of labor and tilling, simple and plain, that freed me from anxiety. Liu ShangyingMay,2015
[广告] 作品编号10034475,字画之家保真在售
乾采雨作品 / 45×68cm / 软片未裱