我画风景是选择熟悉的生活或旅途中让我感动的场景,以朴素的写实手法来表达。我相信任何景物都只有在先感动了自己的前提下,有这个冲动去把它画出来,才有可能会打动观者,产生共鸣。我认为画风景同样也是在抒发内心的情感和审美需求,我画风景是师法自然,在画的过程中去表现情景给我的不同感受,而不是去机械地描摹对象,也尽量避免出现任何符号性的概念形象。我想这也是我的个性使然。 I Paint LandscapesZhang Wei
I paint landscapes that are the scenes from familiar life or during the trip ,which touch me,through plainly realistic depiction.I hold the idea that one will feel an urge to paint something only to touch oneself first, which might arouse viewers' feelings and resonate. I believe that painting landscapes is also to express inner emotion and aesthetic needs, and nature is my painting teacher.In the painting process, I would like to exhibit the different feelings of scene show rather than copy the objects by rote, and make great efforts to avoid illustrating any concept image.I think it may contribute to my personality. 惬意的季节No.22 60*80cm
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱