Independent艺术博览会包括一场艺术展和一个“展览论坛”,将在军械库艺术周期间举办,今年的第五届将在新的领导下筹备,Laura Mitterand担任总监,Kristina Valberg(之前在表演艺术双年展Performa工作)将担任画廊与艺术家联络人。而展览空间的建筑设计将交给Andrew Feuerstein和Bret Quagliara。
47 Canal (New York)
Christian Andersen (Copenhagen)
The Approach (London)
Art : Concept (Paris)
Artists Space (New York)
Balice Hertling (Paris)
The Box (Los Angeles)
BQ (Berlin)
Broadway 1602 (New York)
Gavin Brown’s enterprise (New York)
Campoli Presti (London / Paris )
Galerie Mehdi Chouakri (Berlin)
Elizabeth Dee (New York)
Gaudel de Stampa (Paris)
Herald St (London)
House of Gaga (Mexico DF)
Karma (New York)
kaufmann repetto (Milan)
Anton Kern Gallery (New York)
KOW (Berlin)
Andrew Kreps Gallery (New York)
Labor (Mexico DF)
Galerie Emanuel Layr (Vienna)
Wilfried Lentz (Rotterdam)
David Lewis (New York)
Ignacio Liprandi (Buenos Aires)
Maccarone (New York)
Gió Marconi (Milan)
Martos Gallery (New York)
McCaffrey Fine Art (New York)
Mendes Wood DM (S?o Paulo)
Meyer Kainer (Vienna)
Meyer Riegger (Karlesruhe / Berlin)
The Modern Institute (Glasgow)
Murray Guy (New York)
Galerie Nagel Draxler (Berlin)
Galerie Neu (Berlin) / Neue Alte Brücke (Frankfurt)
Franco Noero (Torino)
Office Baroque Gallery (Brussels)
OKO (New York)
Peres Projects (Berlin)
ProtoCinema (New York / Istanbul)
RaebervonStenglin (Zürich)
Ramiken Crucible (New York)
Real Fine Arts (New York)
Kerry Schuss (New York)
Société (Berlin)
Sprüth Magers (Berlin / London)
Stuart Shave Modern Art (London)
Supportico Lopez (Berlin)
Three Star Books (Paris)
Untitled (New York)
Vilma Gold (London)
Michael Werner (London / New York)
White Columns (New York)
Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne)
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱