Tomorrow Has A Changing Face
Huang Fei
Lei Ziren, a postdoctoral of Academyof Arts & Design Tsinghua University,wrote books and set up theories withvery emotional but sophistic comments.His paintings are also interesting like hiscomments, gentle and mild, full of vigourand rich in poetry. Some people said Mr.Lei's paintings are scholar painting, but Ibeg to disagree with them. The so-calledscholar paintings stress less article skillsbut only demonstrate scholars' emotionsand reveal their taste. A scholar thoughhe is, Lei Ziren is skillful in painting andfull of integrity of scholarship, which hassomething to do with his long years ofstudies in the Academy.I haven't met with Lei Ziren; however,I saw his paintings earlier. His album isamong those I loved most and I like toappreciate it in my spare time. Every timeI have different feelings and got somenew ideas from it. The poet Lei Ziren isvery good at expressing his impressionand comprehension through imagination.Mondern tincture is f lowing in quaintpaintings. The real joy and sorrow of thereal men and women and their love storiesare all reflected in these paintings.I like the Nuan Ya series created by LeiZiren. With a wooden tub steaming, thetaste of traditional Chinese medicine filledthe air. A towel is lying on the bedside, justlike a hand reaching out to seal a secret. Aslim woman sits opposite, just like seatedon the wound of life, whose thin waist issustaining the sky. No dialogue betweenthe woman and the man, only time elapsedbetween the two dull hearts… Many longlastlove left silence behind, with no peoplenoticed or mentioned. All sorrow and cleanwater would turn into nothing within thepassage of time. Using his delicate brush,Lei Ziren drew many wordly paintings,like a sophisticate philosopher.It is sweet for a butterfly to find a flower,but the strong f lavor will make it f lytowards another flower; to love a personis dangous, for the flame of love will turninto ashes after long-last boredom. What kind of feeling will a blank paper give usafter it is painted with liquid ink? Everypainter has been thinking day and nightand taking pains to find a better way ofdrawing a liquid-ink painting, Lei Ziren isno exception. He has good comprehensionof the language of liquid ink. A scholar'stalent, brightness, free will and respecttowa rds life a re all capt u red i n h ispaintings. Some critic said Lei's paintingsembody feelings of water… The nurturingliquid ink is clean but profound, which Ifelt after watching his paintings one afteranother. His paintings passed throughancient and modern times. However, hismastery of time and space is weak, andthe people or things drew by his brushesare blurring, tangled and lazy, seeminglybeing soaked by water. I don't know whatkind of life Lei Ziren experienced, clearily,I can see helplessness about the changinglife, unable-ness of love and confusion,amazement of buzzing reality. Tomorrowhas a cha ngi ng face, a nd Lei Zi rencontinues to feel the blended surprise andsorrow brought by liquid ink.
[广告] 作品编号10034475,字画之家保真在售
乾采雨作品 / 45×68cm / 软片未裱