新艺术经销商联盟(The New Art Dealers Alliance——NADA)今日公布了将参与其第11届迈阿密海滩NADA博览会的参展商名单。本次展会将于12月5日至8日在北滩美丽的多维尔海滩度假村举办。今年的名单中有73家画廊,先比去年的75家略微下降。其中34家来自纽约。NADA也发布了包含11个小型项目展位的名单。
今年的博览会将首发一个全新的超大展位,NADA的总监Heather Hubbs向《The Observer》说:“我们今年建立它是因为过去总对空间有着更大的需求,所以今年我们试水,看看大家是否有兴趣。”在不久的将来也许还会加入更多的项目展位。
画廊:Adams and Ollman, Portland
American Contemporary, New York
The Apartment, Vancouver
Nicelle Beauchene, New York
Blanket / Natalia Hug, Cologne
BILL BRADY KC, Kansas City
Brennan and Griffin, New York
Callicoon Fine Arts, New York
Shane Campbell, Chicago
CANADA, New York
Churner and Churner, New York
C L E A R I N G, Brussels/Brooklyn
Clifton Benevento, New York
Lisa Cooley, New York
Thomas Duncan, Los Angeles
Andrew Edlin, New York
Eleven Rivington, New York
Derek Eller, New York
Thomas Erben, New York
Feature Inc., New York
Zach Feuer, New York
Foxy Production, New York
Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles
Leslie Fritz, New York
James Fuentes, New York
Francois Ghebaly, Los Angeles
Laurel Gitlen, New York
The Green Gallery, Milwaukee
Jack Hanley, New York
Horton Gallery, New York
Independent Curators International (ICI), New York
International Art Objects, Los Angeles
Invisible Exports, New York
The Journal, Brooklyn
JTT, New York
Galerie Parisa Kind, Frankfurt
Klaus von Nichtssagend, New York
Galerie Christian Lethert, Cologne
David Lewis, New York
Josh Lilley, London
LINN LüHN, Dusseldorf
Locust Projects, Miami
Martos Gallery/Shoot the Lobster, New York
Misako and Rosen, Tokyo
mother’s tankstation, Dublin
MUJIN-TO Production, Tokyo
Mihai Nicodim, Los Angeles
Roberto Paradise, San Juan Puerto Rico
Eli Ping, New York
SABOT, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Federica Schiavo, Rome
Kerry Schuss, New York
Seventeen, London
Joe Sheftel Gallery, New York
Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco
Sorry We’re Closed, Brussels
The Still House Group, Brooklyn
Jacky Strenz, Frankfurt
Simone Subal Gallery, New York
Galerie Joseph Tang, Paris
Temnikova & Kasela, Tallinn, Estonia
Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York
Jonathan Viner, London
Studio Voltaire, London
Kate Werble Gallery, New York
White Columns, New York
Yautepec, Mexico City
Young Art, Los Angeles
项目:247365, Brooklyn
Alden Projects, New York
Cope Projects, New York
Devon Dikeou, Brooklyn
Dan Gunn, Berlin
Magic Flying Carpets, New York
David Petersen, Minneapolis
Recess, New York
SculptureCenter, Queens
Rob Tuffnell, London
XYZ Collective, Tokyo
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱