韩梦云个展—— 無定/In Between Islands策展人:傅翀主办单位: 今日美术馆 协办单位:雅昌艺术网 、中信银行信用卡高端艺术品鉴会 开幕时间:2013年7月7日下午3时展览时间:2013年7月7日—7月21日地点:今日美术馆1号馆4层开放时间:周一至周日,每天10:00-18:00(周二闭馆)地址: 北京市朝阳区百子湾路32号苹果社区前言
“无定”由四组油画组画、一组瓷板画与一组水墨画组成,分别是“洗心”、 “游心”、 “在宥”、 “代序”,以及 “断竹”与 “即体”。画展名语出前苏格拉底哲学家阿那克西曼德,意谓世间万物的本原,因其化生一切,包括相反的事物,故其自身必无任何限定与规定,是為 “无定”。这不仅是对韩梦云的抽象画之风格的描述,更是对其创作动机的阐释。《周易•系辞•下》有言 “天地氤氲,万物化醇”,庶几近之。在西方艺术评论的传统中,从理论上讲,通常对抽象绘画——比如 “抽象表现主义”——的理解都基於 “表现理论”;从歷史上讲,对它的理解则主要基於美苏冷战与资本主义自身发展的逻辑。而无论是理论抑或历史,韩梦云的作品都是一次对其进行超越的尝试。正如上段所述,她的绘画既与艺术家自己的情绪或情感无关,更与所谓“美国性”、资本主义或殖民等意识形态无关,她通过绘画表现的是对普遍化的情感本身、对世界本质的领会。画展中所有作品共同建立了一个新的世界,这个各自抽象却又彼此共振的世界,向我们揭示的是我们的存在与存在于其中的世界,就其本质而言,绝非对象性与概念式的。一如画展的英文名 “IN BETWEEN ISLANDS”所暗示的那样。傅翀Preface
Mengyun Han’s solo exhibition is named after the Greek word “Apeiron”, which means “indefinite and/or infinite”. The exhibition consists of four groups of oil paintings, which are named, respectively, “Saṃsāra”, “Wandering Mind”, “Letting” and “In Succession”, a set of ceramic paintings called “Plainness” as well as a series of Chinese Ink and wash painting called “Momentum”. “Apeiron” is a term created by the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Anaximander to describe the origin of the Cosmos, which, in the light of its inclusiveness of everything, even the opposite things, inevitably is “indefinite and infinite”. The concept of “apeiron”, however, is not only a depiction of the style of Mengyun Han’s abstract paintings, but an interpretation of her motivation to paint. There is an old saying in I Ching: ”the heaven and earth are like dense mist, and everything is changed into the purified.” This perfectly echoes to what “apeiron” indicates.In the tradition of Western art criticism, theoretically, the basic understanding of abstract paintings, such as the Abstract Expressionism, is deeply rooted in the Expression Theory and, historically, abstract paintings are located in the era of Cold War and a certain stage of capitalism. Yet Han’s paintings endeavor to transcend these understandings and definitions, both theoretically and historically. Her paintings are neither related to the artist’s own feelings and emotions nor to ideologies like the so-called “Americanness”, Capitalism and colonization. What her work represents is a comprehension of a generalized emotion in itself and the fundamental nature of the world—abstract and infinite.Alluding to the English title of the exhibition In Between Islands, all the paintings in this exhibition create a new world of respective abstraction and resonance with each other. This relationship reveals exactly the chasm between our being and the world we are in, which are non-objective and by no means conceptual.Chong Fu
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱