数十年来的磨练,黎明先生已经成为一位全面发展的大画家。我们看到,他的画路十分开阔,翎毛、花鸟、畜兽、人物、山水无所不能,尤以善画孔雀、雄鹰、狐猴而蜚声海内外。他笔下的翎毛、畜兽造型严谨,寓工于写, 工而有意, 那些动物所呈现的神情更是天真灵动、栩栩如生。黎明的山水画造诣也很高, 他的水墨写意山水画以情韵取胜, 往往通过细腻又绵长的情韵展现出豁达的大家气势。他作画时擅长用水、用墨、用色,传承岭南画派精善渲染的画法加以巧妙变化,使得大面积的彩墨在深浅、浓淡、干湿多样变化中妙趣横生、达至笔精墨妙的境界。
Having honed his skills for decades, Mr. Lai Ming is now an all-rounded master artist. As we can see, he has mastered a large variety of subjects and styles – from birds to flowers, from animals to portraits, from landscapes to seascapes. Lai is particularly famous for his paintings of eagles, foxes, monkeys, peacocks – known for their vivacity and energy, the peacocks in Lai’s portrayal are not only precise and vivid, but also incorporate both fine drawing and expressive brushwork. Lai is similarly skillful in landscape paintings well-known for their expressiveness, and yet, with such lingering delicacy. Indeed, what the paintings reflect is the carefree spirit of a maestro. Lai has mastered the delicate balance of water, ink, and color, merged with the special techniques of the Lingnan School. And as we treasure his flowing water, his splashing ink, and his varying techniques of color application, we have the opportunity to experience the ever-changing and ever-lasting pleasure of his art.
Mo Xiao-ye•Chair, Professor, Department of Art Theory,
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
January 2009
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱