Mr. Lai Ming has come under tutelage of Mr. Gao Jianfu for more than a decade. His works in the 50s have amply shown his grasp of the Lingnan style. He not only masters all the skills,but has also formed his own refreshing style. Since the 80s, he traveled around the world and visited numerous famous scenic spots, which enables him to scale new heights in the creation of landscape paintings. When studying the varied themes of Lai’s works in his early or later life, they are all consistent and closely related to the spirit of the Lingnan School: to paint from nature. Such art style was first advocated by Geshan School in late Qing dynasty and was inherited by Mr. Gao. The style was further developed with the introduction of realism from the West. Mr. Lai Ming has inherited the great tradition. He observes natural phenomenon directly to grasp the form and the spirit, and then infuses his own feelings into it. His pursuit of art allows him to have made great contribution to the continued development of the Lingnan School.
Prof. Kao Mayching
Dean of School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong,
Former Curator of Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Quoted from ‘The Successor of the Lingnan School’, “An Album of Lai Ming’s Paintings”,
published by published by People’s Fine Arts Publishing House in 1999
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱