UNEP Executive Director and UN Under Secretary General Klaus Toepfer sent a letter of congratulation on January 4, 2006.
From Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Images have, since primitive times, been sources of inspiration and contemplation able to reveal the joy and the tragedy of humankind’s place in the world.
From the pre-historic cave paintings of Lascaux in the French Pyrenees, the rock art of ancient Sahara, the carvings of the Inuits, the tattoos of the Maoris, and the photos and newsreels of more recent times, they have chronicled our relationship with nature, the spiritual world and with ourselves.
Xi Lang’s oil paintings, presented under ‘The Yellow River Wetland-Art for Environmental Protection’ initiative, is part of this tradition, part of this cultural flow where images open our eyes to the beauty and harm we do to our world and thus ourselves.
I wish the artist and his exhibition every success and in the true and certain knowledge that his inspiration and his love for Yellow River and its wetlands will move and motivate those who gaze on his brush strokes to better cherish the natural world.
A world which is the basis of all material and spiritual life on EARTH.
在这里展现了一个地球上万物生存的栖息地!克劳斯 托普夫(Klaus Toepfer)联合国副秘书长环境规划署署长2006年1月4日
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱