这种物理性般碰触着我们身体和心魂的画作,正处在“成为意义之前”,悄然唤醒着我们的“看”、“听”和“感觉”。 (刘洁)
The most important part for art is not the meaning of it but the directness of sensibility. After all, meaning is the short cut of thoughts, not the origin of life’s sensibility, not artwork itself. Basis on some value system, meaning is the purpose. In that way, what before the meaning being established? The chant of souls, the restrained mood, the indulgence of uninhibited……All this is the whole constitute of life, earthly contained, but collecting all the possibilities of potential growth. This is the natural attitude when we face the paintings of Qiu Jun.
These paintings that physically collide our souls and body, is in the period of “before meaning established”, Quietly arouse our “Seeing ”, “Hearing ”and “Perception”. (By Liujie)
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱