“时间的日记”高炀作品欧洲巡回展,为期一年,首展于2010年2月11日在佛罗伦萨开幕,接下来会在意大利罗马、法国巴黎、瑞士苏黎世、西班牙巴塞罗那等五个城市展出。如果艺术家是为了艺术而生活,为了自己的艺术可以回避甚至舍弃与艺术无关的俗务琐事,高炀就属于这一类型的画家。他当然不是唯一这样的画家,我在佛罗伦萨也见过这样的人,但真正甘愿为艺术殉道的人如今已不多见。我虽然经常去世界各地旅游,但住在佛罗伦萨这个城市是幸福的。因为这是一个拥有艺术传统和浓厚艺术氛围的地方。在这里,每一个艺术家都用自己不同的灵魂来面对自己的艺术。谁有精确与条理的理性方法?谁把艺术作为身体与精神来锻造?高炀就是这样一个用“勇敢的野牛之血”聚集能量面对自己的艺术家!我在高炀画册里看到了诗人与评论家岛子对高炀评论的这句话并且打动了我,因为它正确的表达作为一个艺术家的固执。 每天面对自己的画布,日复一日,年复一年,高炀需要走向他选的这一条路,他也被这一条路完全吸收了。每天他把自己变化、长大、成熟的痕迹印在画布上。这只“野牛”的能量,不同于通常艺术家的方式,呐喊着自己的愤怒、反对、不安或为自己的能量而自豪。他的能量在甘愿固执地面对自己,查看、寻找自己的内心之后,发现自己是个成人,然后再挑战自己又使自己成为单纯和甜蜜之孩童,在把玩“东西”的过程中,使它们有序,把它们按颜色与形式小心翼翼地选好。他在玩儿游戏吗?有可能。别的艺术家也玩儿过这个游戏,无论如何,孩子永远玩儿的是这样的游戏!高炀开始玩儿游戏的时候,发现自己的作品是成熟的。被奖励、被认可及被视为伟大人才后,他更坚定了自己的艺术之路。在这一点上,艺术史已经能够证明,只有这样才是 “真正的艺术家”。每当艺术家退一步的时候,才会发现自己的自由、单纯及开始与自己的真正对话,高炀在从学院派画家至 “综合材料”个人风格形成过程就是持这种态度,不断的否定自己,退一步、进两步。高炀在他的“综合材料”时期,开始与自己的日常生活以及生活年代的历史记录亲密接触,形成他的探索之路,每天的增加和积累形成自己历史的一部分。它永远与自己对话、永远需要探索内心,以便更深刻的了解自我,回归游戏性和天然的灵魂,他能够给我们证明一个时代,说明我们是谁并启发我们合理的思考!ON "THE DIARY OF TIME"
Rosanna Ossola"The Diary of Time" is a traveling exhibition in Europe showcasing Mr. Gao Yang's artworks. This one-year tour of exhibits, starting from Florence on February 11, 2010, will be displayed in Rome, Italy, Paris, France, Zurich, Switzerland and other European, 5 cites in total.
If an artist lives for art, he dodges or even abandons all the vulgar trifles unrelated to art. This is a consecrated group of artists, to whom Mr. Gao Yang belongs. Surely, he is not the only one, for I have met similar artists in Florence, but it is now rare to see such people who are willing to martyr themselves for art.
I often tour around the world, yet I feel blessed to live in Florence. It is a place with a strong artistic tradition and shrouded with artistic atmosphere, where every artist faces his own challenge with a unique soul different from others. They have mastered such rational methods featuring accuracy and orderliness in forging their body and spirit with art.
Mr. Gao Yang employs the accumulated energy from "the blood of a brave wild buffalo" to face his own art world. I was deeply moved when I saw this sentence in Gao Yang's album commented by Mr. Shimago , who is a famous poet and critic, because it is the correct description of the obstinate artist facing his canvas every day.
Day after day and year after year, What Mr. Gao Yang needs is to keep on the way he has chosen, in fact he is completely absorbed into the way, he has painted all traces of his change, his growth and his maturity onto the canvas.
With an energy, this "wild buffalo" whoops out his anger, argument and anxiety in a way different from ordinary artists, or shows off his pride for the energy. With this energy, he persists in disobeying himself: after examining and researching in his internal world, he found himself an adult, and in turn he challenged his adult status and made himself a pure and sweet child again.
Playing with "something" and making them in agreement by selecting them with meticulous care according to colors and forms. Is he playing a game? Very possible! Other artists have also played similar games as kids played, always!
When Mr. Gao Yang began playing this game, he found the outcomes—his artworks, are mature. After being rewarded, recognized and considered a man of art, he was more than determined to follow his own artistic consciousness. In this respect, as proven by the art history, a "true artist" comes into being only in this way.
Only when an artist takes a step back can he find himself free and pure again and can he begin a genuine dialogue with himself. Mr. Gao Yang has developed this attitude in the formation of a personal style labeled as "synthetic material" from an academic painter: a genre constantly denies one's achievement of today for better achievement tomorrow! As the saying goes: one step backward for two steps forward!
Mr. Gao Yang began to keep a close "contact" with his daily life and the history he experienced in his "synthetic material" period in which he developed his way to discover. The gain and accumulation of everyday experience has become part of his exclusive history that is always a counterpart for his dialogue and that is always a place to understand himself deeper in his inner heart. The soul returning to the esoteric game-playing and nature will explain us what we are and where we are, which will enlighten us to a rational thinking.
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱