在东京艺术博览会期间,经东京美国会邀请,由Tobin Ohashi画廊策展主办的朱伟小型个人作品展于2012年3月26日起在东京美国会的Frederick Harris画廊展出。此次展览展出了朱伟的数件水墨、版画及雕塑作品。
During Art Fair Tokyo, a small solo exhibition of Zhu Wei's artworks was held at Frederick Harris Gallery of Tokyo American Club from March 26 to April 8. The exhibition is curated and organized by Tobin Ohashi Gallery in Tokyo. Zhu Wei's ink paintings, prints and sculpture were shown.
东京美国会Tokyo American Club
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱