在过去的七年里,Know Hope (生于1986年) 在世界各地的画廊和画展中展出他的作品。但是他更重视在街头巷尾展出它们,城市自然而然地成了它们的背景。他的作品体现了这种绘画风格本身的短暂性。更重要的是“短暂”也是其作品的主题。他着重探讨现实生活中某些瞬间的意义,特别是人类奋斗的意义。
------摘自《困惑的森林》(即《乱堆的旗帜》)(特拉维夫艺术馆收藏, 2011年8月)
For the past 7 years, Know Hope (b. 1986) has been showing his work in galleries and exhibitions worldwide, but mainly on the streets, in their natural urban settings. Know Hope deals with the ephemeral aspect of not only the genre itself, but also as a subject - the need of momentary connections in the everyday reality, and the common denominator that is the human struggle.
Detail from the "Stumbled Forest (Stockpiled Like Littered Flags)" Installation at the Tel Aviv Museum, Aug 2011
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱