Chambers Fine Art
Beijing/New York
画廊介绍Gallery Introduction
2007年,前波画廊在北京草场地开设了一个新的场地,驻进由著名观念艺术家和建筑设计师艾未未设计的新空间。北京前波画廊的建立不仅完善了我们呈现成熟艺术家作品的模式,又增强了我们发掘新起之秀的能力。在将草场地从北京东北郊的一个村庄改建成主要艺术中心的过程中,艾未未起到了重要得作用。同时他在许多当代建筑项目中也都是中坚力量,例如2004年金华的建筑艺术公园古陶博物馆及目前的Ordos 100项目。前波画廊位于草场地的红房区内,庭院中展示邱志杰、宋冬和尹秀珍及郑国谷的作品,而环绕着庭院的是东西两个大展示空间,及后面一个用于展示录像和装置作品的小空间。如同纽约画廊一样,露天场所被融入进了整个建筑的设计中,为展示装置作品,举办文化、社交活动提供了很大的灵活性。
In 2007 the opening of Chambers Fine Art Beijing in a building designed by Ai Weiwei greatly expanded the ability of the gallery to represent the work of influential established artists as well as young emerging talents. The transformation of Caochangdi from a village in the north east of Beijing into a major arts center is inseparable from Ai Weiwei's emergence as a distinctive force in contemporary architecture in projects as varied as the Neolithic Pottery Museum, Jinhua (2004) and the current Ordos 100 Project. Chambers Fine Art is located in the Red Brick Art Galleries and is entered through a courtyard which features works by Qiu Zhijie, Song Dong and Yin Xiuzhen, and Zheng Guogu. The courtyard is enclosed by the symmetrical gallery building which consists of two large galleries to the east and west and a smaller gallery to the rear for video, installations etc. As in New York, the incorporation of open space into the design of the building permits an unusual degree of flexibility in the planning of installations, cultural and social events.
代理艺术家Represented Artists
冯梦波Feng Mengbo,
郭鸿蔚Guo Hongwei
何云昌He Yunchang
洪浩Hong Hao
洪磊Hong Lei
吕胜中Lu Shengzhong
邱志杰Qiu Zhijie
荣荣Rong Rong
史晶Shi Jing
史金淞Shi Jinsong
宋冬Song Dong
谭盾Tan Dun
汪建伟Wang Jianwei
王天德 Wang Tiande
邬建安Wu Jianan
谢晓泽Xie Xiaoze
杨诘苍Yang Jiechang
叶楠Ye Nan
尹秀珍Yin Xiuzhen
苑瑗Yuan Yuan
郑国谷Zheng Guogu
CIGE 2012参展艺术家Exhibited Artists
米麦 Mi Mai
张盾 Zhang Dun
张盾Zhang Dun
铅笔素描Pencil on paper
80 x 90cm
前波画廊 提供
Courtesy of Chambers Fine Art
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱