2012CIGE参展画廊简介:伯恩艺术空间 伯恩艺术空间BOUN FINE ART SPACE巴黎/北京PARIS/BEIJING画廊介绍Gallery Introduction2007年始创于著名的北京798艺术区,致力于与年轻的艺术家的合作,以促进共同发展。同时也把致力于国际文化……[查看]
《人生难得几日闲》 鲁叁田 / 34×68cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:山本现代画廊 山本现代画廊Yamamoto Gendai东京Tokyo画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionYAMAMOTO GENDAI is devoted to introducing artists who are capable of……[查看]
《大财在后头》 鲁叁田 / 68×34cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:SUNContemporary SUN Contemporary首尔Seoul画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionGallery SUN contemporary,founded in 2005,is an affiliate of Sun Gallery,w……[查看]
[广告] 作品编号10031723,字画之家保真在售
曾松涛作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱
《大钓无钩》 鲁叁田 / 68×34cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:RobinsonsArtGallery Robinsons Art Gallery克诺克Knokke-Zoute画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionRobinsons Art Gallery was founded in 1986 as an auction hous……[查看]
《吉祥如意》 曾松涛 / 50×50cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:PYOGallery PYO Gallery北京/首尔/洛杉矶Beijing/Seoul/ Los Angeles画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionThe PYO Gallery has opened its gallery space in 19……[查看]
《童子拜佛》 郭栋梁 / 47×87cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:GalleryMiroonamu Gallery Miroonamu首尔Seoul画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionGallery Miroonamu is initiated in 1999, which was located in Taego. In 2……[查看]
《报春图》 孙迪 / 137×69cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:琴山画廊 琴山画廊Keumsan Gallery首尔/坡州/东京Seoul/ Heyri/Tokyo画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionKeumsan Gallery has been operated since 1992, as th……[查看]
[广告] 作品编号10032209,字画之家保真在售
孙吉祥作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱
《归楫》 张凯 / 45×68cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:GalleryImazoo Gallery Imazoo首尔Seoul画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionGallery Imazoo located in southern part(most commercial area) of Seoul, Kor……[查看]
《飘香图》 朱大成 / 34×68cm
2012CIGE参展画廊简介:GalerieBhak Galerie Bhak首尔Seoul画廊介绍Gallery IntroductionGALERIE BHAK is one of the leading galleries which was established in Seoul, ……[查看]