10月12日讯 应美国著名艺术机构纽约泰奇画廊董事长Mr.Joe邀请,知名画家散子将赴美出席定于10月27日泰奇画廊为美国著名摄影师Evan Joseph举办的以纽约为主题的摄影作品展开幕式,同时将商讨定于2012年在美国纽约举办的『『散子当代作品展』』诸多事宜细节。此次赴美,亦是散子先生两年后的“回归”之旅。
Report in October 12th was invited by Mr.Joe,the Chairman of New York Tachi Gallery,famous artist Sanzi will take part in the Opening Ceremony of American famous photographer Evan Joseph's solo Exhibition about new york. And at that time will also discuss some detail of 『『Sanzi Contemporary Artwork Exhibition』』.This time to American is a "Back Journey"after two years.
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱