Edward E. Lee
When I first saw Mr. Bo Hong's landscape paintings two years ago, I was deeply impressed by his inspired brush and his ability to transmute his visions of nature into his art. Through a few subsequent interactions with Mr. Hong, I am totally lost in admiration of his vast knowledge, his self-discipline, and his enthusiasm for the art. His paintings flow with invention, vigorous yet refined.
Traditionally, Chinese painters have their own opinions on the use of ink or colors in their works. Some are fond of using black ink alone, some prefer colors, others are good at the combination of both. Dong Qichang was the creator of the theory of ¡°the southern and the northern schools," but he himself painted pure ink drawings as well as the ink and color paintings. Mr. Bo Hong is highly skillful at both techniques too ¨C he has the ability to capture the wonders of nature and the changing details of the seasons. He expresses his feelings on the paper through his brushes ¨C as Tao Chi said: When the spirit of the mountains and rivers meets with my spirit, both their images are transfigured into one."
Mr. Hong displays considerable scholarship and mastery of traditional Chinese culture, but he focuses on modern humanism as well. He models himself after the ancient masters but is never constrained by the old styles. He strives to capture nature and creates his own style. Mr. Hong!is goal is to surpass the ancients, to let the spirit of nature truly reside in his paintings.
For promoting US-China cultural exchange, I have the honor to introduce the art of Mr. Bo Hong, a rising star in Chinese culture, to all the Chinese people who live in America, and to all our Western friends.
同为旅居在美的炎黄子孙,我感动于洪波深深扎根中华文脉的同时,更着眼于现代人文精神。师古而不泥古,遂形成一种清新的画风 - 勃发的精神状态,涌动的自然生机。
[广告] 作品编号10030953,字画之家保真在售
王孝华作品 / 68×68cm / 软片未裱