2011年5月21日—7月9日,张洹将在美国洛杉矶Blum & Poe画廊举办个展《49天》。此次展览将展出艺术家以上海和周边城市拆迁下来的百年老砖为材料,以汶川地震中经历49天磨难后得以重生的“猪刚强”为形象的观念性雕塑、装置等作品。这些作品超越了建筑和雕塑的定义,是对历史记忆和精神信仰的探讨。张洹认为猪刚强在地震后49天里的状态跟他早期作行为表演时的状态是一致的,都是在一种极端环境中对希望的执著和自我的超越。
From May21st, 2011 to July9th, 2011, Zhang Huan will hold solo exhibition titled as “49 Days” in Blum& Poe Gallery in Los Angeles of USA. It will exhibit sculptures and installations that use old bricks of hundreds of years dismantled from old buildings from city and edge of shanghai and also image as “Zhu Gangqiang”, the pig that survived in ruins for 49 days before he were rescued in the earthquake in WenChuan. These works are beyond the definition of Architecture and Sculpture, and they are discussion on historical memory and spiritual belief. Zhang Huan believes that The mental status of Zhu Gangqiang in the 49 days after the earthquake is in conformity with his state when he did his early performance art, and both show the perseverance to hope and self-transcendence in an extreme environment.
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱