For years the public has been waiting for a truly fine handbook of drawing and painting designed mainly for beginners-students or leisure-time painters-interested in Chinese Painting.Such a book is Mr.Choy Kung-heng’s.
Specific subjects detailed include flowers,birds,insects,fish or poultry and these are illustrated by fine prints carefully selected from his not inconsiderable number of notable paintings.Eight months of enthusiastic designing with the student in mind have produced this practical book with its interesting variety of colour and subject.
At an early age,Mr.Choy Kung-heng,famed South-east Asian artist,now in his forties,studied at the Ling Nam School of Painting and with Kao Chien-fu and later with Phao-an.Developing his own technique he also explored the art of the Sung (960-1276) and Yuan masters and did numerous sketches of flowers and birds for research studies.
In 1947 because of political changes,he left South China for Hong Kong where he assiduously studied various painting techniques until 1959, designing and executing hundreds of paintings mainly of flowers, birds and landscapes, including traditional figures of men and women.
Becoming dissatisfied with following the Sung and Yuan masters exclusively, he went out into the parks, the hills and many places, carefully studied various birds and flowers and he tried and developed a more realistic new style.At this stage, he designed some of his best pictures in colours or in ink, executed either with incredible delicacy or,by contrast,rapidly with bolder brush strokes. Two examples of his masterly technique are “Hundred Butterflies”and “Seasonal Flowers”.
Since 1960, he has held numerous personal exhibitions of his Chinese Paintings in Hong Kong, Macau, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Subjects of these varied greatly—from a tiger to the Virgin Mary. Exhibition rewards were both lucrative and inspirational.
I have had the privilege to enjoy Mr Choy’s paintings and now confidently recommend his new book to all interested in this fine art.
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱