夏蕙瑛在全国少年儿童书法比赛中获得一等奖,许多老书画家对于她能书善画大加称赞。全国人大副委员长胡厥文在“六一”节前夕来到上海,勉励夏蕙瑛“勤奋向上,好好学画,”并为夏蕙瑛的画题词“君子之风,大人之度,出诸十一龄孩,实在可喜。”上海电视台专题报道《在明媚的春光里》记录了夏蕙瑛勤学苦练以及得到党和社会多方关怀的动人情景,于6月1日在《红领巾》节目中播出。 ——摘自《每周广播电视报》(1981、5)
Winning the 1st prize of the China National Young Children's Calligraphy Competition, Xia Huiying was praised by a great number of old and famous calligraphers and painters. Before International Children's Day on June 1st, Hu quewen, vice chairman of the standing committee of NPC came to Shanghai and encouraged Xia to study harder, improve painting skills and also left inscriptions of “gentle manners, broad mind, unique child”. Xia's hard work, care and support she received from CPC and society were broadcasted in a TV program entitled in the Sparkling Spring Sunlight by Shanghai TV Station on June 1st. Excerpt from Weekly TV & Broadcasting Newspaper (May, 1981)
[广告] 作品编号10031705,字画之家保真在售
李子玉作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱