在这个急速发展变革的年代里,很多我们非常熟悉的与历史、文化、经历、情感紧密相连的家园环境,当你还来不及回首关注时,就在不觉之中消逝了。其中很多东西代表着一个时代的文化符号与历史痕迹,并联接着人们的精神与情感,它们有着完整的审美境界与鲜明特征;北京的四合院、胡同、宫墙下的杨柳、皇城外的红墙、老槐树组成的静谧林荫、徽居的黑瓦白墙、西藏雪山下的寺院和经幡…… 这一切牵动着人们的情思,也成为人们精神的归宿和情感的依靠。
Homestead in Ink
“Homestead in Ink” is the theme on which I have been focusing in recent years. It is the fruit of a desire to preserve that homestead which retains a strong link with my life.
In this age of rapid change and development, many old features of our home – those of history, culture, experience and emotion – are thrown into oblivion before we can spare any attention for them. Among these forgotten things, there are many cultural symbols and historical sites. They are connected with people’s sprit and feeling, and have their own self-contained aesthetics as well as distinct traits. Think about the traditional compounds (Si He Yuan) and alleys (Hutong) in Beijing, the willows besides the palace wall and the red walls of the capital city; think about those shades formed by old trees, the black tiles and white walls in traditional houses in Huizhou, and temples and scripture flags at the foot of those snow-capped mountain in Tibet.
With “Homestead in Ink,” I hope to record the indelible impression and memory the disappearing home has made on me. As individuals living in an age of transition, we cannot forget history or cut our relations with the past, yet meanwhile we must face what is coming and create our own future. This is exactly what I am trying to do in my works.
―― Li Xiaoke
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱