My paintings are my poems. My paintings are another type of poetry, are a form of poetry that does not use language but which expresses itself with colour, and which does not require translationAll of these paintings originate from a feeling, a dream-like feeling, a sort of fantasy feeling, a sort of feeling in the soul, a sort of feeling of awakening. I should say that these paintings come from a poet’s feelings, a sort of feeling that other people have almost no way of realizing. Some times this feeling is very fine, sometimes it is extremely vague, some times it is vacant and distant, and some times it is that brooding feeling of a poem.This is a sort of sixth, seventh, eighth sense that is produced by some inspiration originated from some dark substances which is hard to explain. It is also a sort of a music of the soul vibrating in the flow of colors.March 3, 2008
[广告] 作品编号10031705,字画之家保真在售
李子玉作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱