在《慈善大舞台》即将出版之际,我很高兴写这个序,因为我很高兴地看到,在波澜壮阔的社会变革中,在硕果累累的文学与摄影天地中,我们的“慈善”没有缺位,我们的作家没有缺席。慈善主题和舞台片断汇聚成《慈善大舞台》的叙事激流,在各种风格盛行的舞台上,慈善无疑是一股温情的暖流,一道明媚的午后阳光,极易渗透观众的心田,形成巨大的向心力,一个“爱”字是核心,“让世界充满爱”是大家共同的心声。用舞台来折射慈善,绘画一样的鲜艳。在舞台上演的慈善节目,似珍珠,璀璨无比。舞台受到慈善的陶冶,会变得洁净光明,瞬间成为永恒。慈善和舞台,将成为一种美妙的约会。慈善这个舞台对演员们来讲,比歌唱更为宽广。《慈善大舞台》抓住慈善事件的时代闪光点,触发今天的读者,鼓动明天的人生,掌声雷动,欢声如潮,都是献给慈善事业的。同时释放一种深度的热爱,挫败一种焦虑和遗忘,给予“慈善的吁求”一种艺术效果,构筑不同角度、不同时期的慈善成长史。慈善创作,需要向善的激情,也需要走万里路的体力,需要展现弱势群体艰辛的韧劲儿,也需要扛着慈善大旗向前方瞩望的理性。慈善事业对慈善工作者来讲是日常生活;对作家来讲,是一片蕴藏丰富的宝藏。那么,守住这个阵地吧!如今我们的慈善资源相当地丰富,有关“慈善”的后续作品会源源不断,关心慈善发展的人们有理由欢欣鼓舞。中华慈善总会会长 范宝俊
I am pleased to write a preface to Stage for Charity on the occasion of its publication because charity is in its place when the fruitful works of literature, art and photography are flourishing in our reforming China. With charity as its theme and stage episodes as its main stream, Stage for Charity serves as a media to arouse the charity consciousness of Chinese people. On the art performing stage with a variety of styles, charity penetrates into the heart of the audiences just like a warm stream or a glow of sun , forming a powerful strength.With love being its core, the voice of Let the World Filled with Love echoes in the Chinese people’s hearts.Reflecting charity by art performing stage makes it a colorful picture.The performances on the stage are like pearls decorating the picture, bright and graceful. Favorably influenced by the spirit of charity, the art performing stage may turn to be pure and sunny, making the period of the art performing permanent. With charity walking onto the stage, actors can enjoy a broaden space than ever to demonstrate their art capacity.Stage for Charity, together with its charitable events keeping the pace with the times, inspires today’s readers to live a meaningful life of tomorrow. The thunder applauses and the cheerful acclaims make charity a success, meanwhile, display a love to frustrate anxiety and neglect. On the other hand, the appealing for charity produces an art effect from a different aspect, writing a new chapter for charity history.Charitable creation requires enthusiasm for charity and vigor for a long journey. It needs a persistence to help the weak groups and a rationality with a charitable banner on the shoulder to look ahead. Charitable work is routine work to the charity stuff members, whereas it is an inexhaustible treasure trove to writers. Therefore, hold on the stage!Nowadays we are rich in charitable stories and the succeeding works related to charity will come along. Those who are concerned about the development of charity do have reasons to hurray for charity. President of China Charity Federation
[广告] 作品编号10031705,字画之家保真在售
李子玉作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱