The New and OrdinaryDali used ordinary methods to paint new things, while Picasso painted ordinary things with new methods.The arrangement here is defined by what the artist uses to arouse the viewer's interest and what they use to communicate with their audience.By using the new to express the ordinary, attention is drawn through the form and communication is through the content; vice versa is using the content to attract and the form to communicate. If the form and content are quite bizarre then what is being seen is incomprehensible; if it's seen all the time, there's no point in looking at all. This might well be the kite string that Wu Guan-Zhong once mentioned.How new and ordinary also varies from person to person. Different races, periods, genders, cultures, ages, family backgrounds, experiences……there are an infinite amount of variations and just as many individual viewers.
[广告] 作品编号10034475,字画之家保真在售
乾采雨作品 / 45×68cm / 软片未裱