与其说抽象表现主义是一个流派,倒不如说它是一种思想性。那么如何界定抽象表现主义呢?“不具象又非几何形的抽象艺术,强调绘画的动作、力度。”墨客的油画建立在更色彩更不拘形式,随心所欲的自我情绪表现,那种更纯粹的东方性和未经调和的自然色块,当仁不让地站在闪亮的国际艺术市场,教人精神为之振奋!和所有的抽象表现主义大师有共同的特点是:墨客先生的艺术即兴、动感、非具象、反形式和技巧自由,同时反映的是他作为生活在二十一世纪当今的艺术家,如何面对工业污染,空气混浊,地球升温,动物濒危,生态退化等种种困扰,因此我们也必定能从他充满张力的作品中读出不能回避的生存环境带来问题的严峻和意识的忧患。让人惊讶的是墨客之所以在大块的画布上肆意挥洒自然的原色,其中有他自由意志的超乎常人的把握及灵魂的纯净所自然而然抵御和摒除了许许多多时代造成的多余信息,赞美自然,抒写自然的同时,造就了关于整个墨客色彩体系辉煌艺术。墨客是一个东方的传奇!Legend of the East----Abstract Expressionist Master Myo Khin
Abstract Expressionism is rather an ideology than a genre. How to define Abstract Expressionism? "It is the abstract art which is not figural and geometrical, but emphasizing on the action and the strength." Myo Khin's canvas paintings are based on more colorful and freewheeling expression of self-emotion, setting no limit to the forms. His pure eastern and natural colors do not decline to shoulder a responsibility to stand in the shining international art market and inspire people's spirit!
Myo Khin has the same characteristics as the other Abstract Expressionist Masters: Myo Khin's art is improvisational, active, non-figural, anti-formal, free and skillful. As he is an artist who lives in the 21st Century, the theme of his art is about how to face the industrial pollution, air turbidity, global warming, animals in severe danger, ecological degeneration, etc. So we are sure to find the inevitable inclement problems of environment and the consciousness of hardship from his works which are full of tension. To everyone's astonishment, the reason for Myo Khin flourishing natural original colors on the canvas is that his free will can control the painting beyond that of the ordinary people and his pure soul can withstand the excessive information caused by the era. His free will and pure soul praise nature and describe nature, and establish the resplendent art of Myo Khin's color system.Myo Khin is the legend of the East!
[广告] 作品编号10030953,字画之家保真在售
王孝华作品 / 68×68cm / 软片未裱