她自幼孕育在爱中,像温室里的花朵,随后进入南国艺术摇蓝大家庭,和天真烂漫的兄弟姊妹们从附中到学院共同度过了漫长的八年,接着以优异的成绩留校任教,同时也开始独立面对人生,在历尽坎坷、风风雨雨中经受不少挫折、考验,难能可贵的是她没有软弱、颓废,而是以加倍的努力茁壮成长,事业有成。无论怎样艰苦,从里到外始终保持着她欢乐、纯洁的青春形象。她在海外举行个展数量之多是一般画家难以想像的,尤其是她的广受欢迎的肖像画,从企业家、银行家……社会各阶层典型形象,她都能刻划深透,这不仅靠技术的纯熟,而是对人生的体验和艺术的直觉敏感,就如同她在色彩缓纷的风景画和静物画中,喜欢用 "韵律"作为标题,这也说明她是在平凡的生活中,追求表现高度的美,要用一切绘画手段协调在音乐般的旋律中。徐坚白
Ms. Ai-Wai Chaung is the youngest child in her family. She's like a beautiful flower blossoming in a shower of love from people around her. Then she joined another big family, Guangzhou Fine Arts Academy, cradle of fine arts in southern China. After eight years of hard work and innocent lives in the academy with other fellow artist students, she was asked to stay as a teacher due to her academic excellence. From then on, she started facing lives independently and has since experienced ups and downs, frustrations and challenges. Thanks to her resilient nature, she did not let the difficult times make her weak or fall into decadence. Instead, she grew stronger and succeeded in her career. She has always kept her cheerful, pure and youthful image no matter what hardship she's going through. It is unimaginable to regular artists how many independent exhibitions she has held. Her portrait paintings are especially popular among people, from artist to bankers, She was able to draw people from all walks of lives vividly with her unique technique enhanced by close observation, sharp instinct and personal life experiences. She often uses "melody" as title to her scenic and still paintings, which demonstrates her pursuit of beauty from simple objects in life and mixing her appreciation of music into her paintings.By Jianbai Xu
Oct. 12,2006
Jianbai Xu: Chinese Artist of American Nationality ,Former dean of oil department professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art. Former chairman of the Guangdong oil painting society . Studied the fine arts in America in her early years.
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱