用那首 "蓝色多瑙河"的乐曲来形容张蔼维老师的艺术,是再确切不过的了。她不但善长运用蓝色,而且把蓝色的色凋,蓝色光影,蓝色的情趣表现得尤为精湛;不但是风景画,海景画及人物画都表现得很浪漫,抒情,换发出青春的光芒,就象她本人一样永远长春。
It is most appropriate to compare the artworks by Master Ai-Wai Chaung to the music of The Blue Danube. She is not only an expert of using blue color, but has also brought the coloring, the lights and the characteristics of the blue color to its perfection. Her scenery paintings, ocean paintings and portraits are all very romantic with radiance of the youthful spirits, just like herself.
In the painting titled with Welcome the Wave Proudly. her use of the color blue to depict the ocean was so relaxing, pure and romantic. The touch of the brush was free, flowing with endless imagination. The rocks underneath the water were clearly visible. In just a few strokes, she accomplished the various layers, it is a very good artwork that is difficult to come by.
I remember an artwork My Good Friend Cindy. In the painting, she used purple and blue colors and the light blue clothes of the girl in the painting display her youthfulness and charisma. The cheerful touch, the borderline of void and solidness, the jumping changes in strokes, the dreamlike lighting effects all added to the pleasure of watching the artwork. This painting is like a painting by a young artist who is full of energy and livelihood.
by Zhiwei Tu
2006, 11,26
Zhiwei Tu: Chinese Artist of American Nationality, President, Master The Oil Painters of America
[广告] 作品编号10031129,字画之家保真在售
朱秋凤作品 / 69×136cm / 软片未裱