生活是一切创作的源泉,速写是生活与创作的纽带和引子。速写和创作在造型艺术家的艺术活动中,是密不可分的。速写可以引申为创作,创作又以写生为基础,从而使作品充满生气,富有诗意。从画家的艺术表现力来说,创作是艺术,好的速写也是艺术,有时候速写的艺术性和感人性,还是其他绘画形式所不可比的。画家可通过速写触景生情、以情感物、借物抒情,进而达到物我两融的境界。王同仁在艺术实践中十分重视速写。长期以来,他以一个游子之心,对西北高原浑朴天然、雄健粗犷的人情风貌,寄予真挚的深情和热爱,曾多次跋涉于黄河之滨、阳关古道,观风物、察民情,以赤诚的心灵感受、以诗情画意的画笔抒写对客观生活的真情实感和胸臆。因而使速写的表现力与感染力达到“乃若天成”的妙境。他在汲取和发扬民族传统的基础上,另辟蹊径,逐步形成自己独特的速写风格和个性:构图气势奔流,意趣无穷;形象深沉朴厚,写实无华;笔法洗练,放浪有度。王同仁的创作是很优秀的作品。这本画册里丰富多彩的速写,同样是十分感动人,是引人入胜的生活掠影,是意味无穷的艺术品。从这里,我们认识到同仁作品的佳处所在,更认识到速写对一个画家的重要性,更说明了,一个画家,不,是所有的画家,在艺术活动中,应该不偏废地重视速写,只有在生活中多画速写和创作,才能不断地充实自己的艺术,让艺术不断地有新意、不断地向前发展。LOVE LIFE AND RECREATE NATUREBy Liu KaiquLife is the source of all creations, whereas sketch is the link between life and creation. Sketch and creation are inseparable in the artistic activities of a plastic artist. Sketch can extend to become creation, and inversely, creation takes sketch as its foundation, so as to make the works vivid and poetic. From the angle of the painter’s artistic expression, creation is art, and a good sketch is art, too. Sometimes, other forms of painting are even incomparable with the artistry and touching power of the sketch.
Through sketch, a painter may develop a feeling at sight of an object, or sense the object in his own feeling, then express his feelings through the object, so as to reach a realm of melting both the object and oneself.Wang Tongren has been paying close attention to sketch in his artistic practice. For a long time, he traveled extensively along the Yellow River, the ancient Silk Road and other places, where he observed and inspected, loved profoundly the simple and natural, vigorous and rough characters and scenes of the Northwest highland, then put his honest feelings into his skillful brush, and vividly expressed his real impression of the objective life deep in his heart. Therefore, his power to express life through sketches and their appeal reached a wonderful level of ‘‘as true as nature itself”. On the basis of absorbing and developing national tradition, he opened a new way and gradually developed his unique style and characteristics in his own sketches: the imposing manner and boundless interest in the composition, profound and simple in images, plain and unadorned in expressing, succinct in lines, and proper unrestrained in skills.Wang Tongren’s works are superb indeed. The rich and colourful sketches in this album are treasures of art, fascinating shots of life with boundless meaning, from which we learnt that a painter, or rather, all painters must pay great amount of attention to sketch in their artistic practice. Only through more sketches and creations, can an artist enrich his art, develop fresh ideas, and advance continuously.
[广告] 作品编号10031632,字画之家保真在售
张忠伦作品 / 136×68cm / 软片未裱