蔼美的这些以心血铸成,仿佛清泉般自然流淌而出的作品,就如同一株亭亭玉立的小草,虽然看起来并不伟大,却有着内在的生命力。In the contemporary modern city, the natrual and original things had been very dificult to be found. The flowers and trees along the street were the city planted. The cats, dogs,fish and birds were bred as pets to meet the owner’s needs. The fruits and vegetables picked and selected for people’s food on the table. All those are commercial goods and artificially cultivated. They like any other industry products had uniformly apperances, standards and patterns. At surface, all looks perfect and pretty. People deem this man-made beauty as beauty. As time goes along, they gradually forgot the natual , original and unpolished beauty.
Fine arts,suppose to study for all the beauties, also has left from the real beauty further and further. Those affected,pretentious,and produced in the batch process’s “super fine art works”,which the apperances have the dazzling effect for peoples’ eyes, have met the tastes of the public and formed the mainsteam. So whenever I saw Amy Qin’s paintings which are naive and natual, painted from bottom of the painter’s heart, I feel as if I was a man who had lived in a monotonous gray cement house in the city for a long time, all of a sudden came to the country side, and smelt the scent of fresh soil and vegetation longing for in my heart.
I have a flowerpot not in use on the windowsill of my studio. One day suddenly a tiny bit of green appeared in the soil. Then it slowly grew into a little grass with graceful leaves, tall and staight stems, and delicate tassels. It strewed at random. Such an incomparably beautiful thing! It is a pity that those who only know to enjoy the artificially trained exquisite peonies or chrysanthemum. They have already lost an aesthetic appreciation to the little grass. In fact, the aesthetic value of the little grass is no less than that of the well-know strains.
Those Amy’s art works, which executed with painstaking effort, seem like a natrually flowing fresh spring. They also like slim and graceful little grass, with modest looks, but they have the inherent vitality.Professor of Academy of Fine Art, Shanghai University 2008-12
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱