Sundaram Tagore Gallery(美国)
Sundaram Tagore 画廊成立于2000年,致力于融汇西方与非西方文化,促进文化交流。着眼于举办各种盈利和非赢利展览来进行精神,社会和美学领域的对话。在当今世界,沟通是异常迅速的,文化的碰撞和融合现象是前所未有的。我们的目标是为各个领域的艺术形式提供展示的舞台。在世界大的艺术文化氛围下,我们的兴趣跨越了单一文化的范围,广泛涉及到诸如诗歌,文学,表演艺术,电影和音乐等许多其他学科。
Established in 2000, Sundaram Tagore Gallery is devoted to examining the exchange of ideas between Western and non-Western cultures. We focus on developing exhibitions and hosting not-for-profit events that engage in spiritual, social and aesthetic dialogues. In a world where communication is instant and cultures are colliding and melding as never before, our goal is to provide venues for art that transcend boundaries of all sorts. With alliances across the globe, our interest in cross-cultural exchange extends beyond the visual arts into many other disciplines, including poetry, literature, performance art, film and music.
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱