Nadi Gallery设立在印度尼西亚首都雅加达,于2000年9月15日创办,开幕展览为著名艺术家Heri Dono的个展。在印度尼西亚语中,”Nadi”意为“脉搏”。 当脉搏停止震动之时,其对生命的意义也随之逝去。正如画廊名字寓意所在,Nadi画廊试图通过一系列的展览去体现印度尼西亚当代艺术发展中的韵律与脉动。Nadi画廊将携带Agus Suwage,Abdi Setiawan等著名东南亚当代艺术家的作品参加2008中艺博国际画廊博览会(CIGE 2008)。
Based in Jakarta, Nadi Gallery is an art gallery founded by Biantoro Santoso, It was officially opened on the 15th of September 2000, marked by the opening of an exhibition showing the paintings of Heri Dono, a celebrated artist.
The Indonesian word nadi means "aorta", "artery", "vein" that evokes the idea of signaling pulsation. Without pulsation, the aorta soon looses its significance for life. As the name indicates, the Gallery's principal programs of exhibitions have been aspiring to present the pulses of recent developments in contemporary art in Indonesia.Nadi Gallery is always open for dialogues and collaboration with various parties, both individuals and institutions of whatever backgrounds.In line with that, Nadi Gallery intends to position itself as a significant "pulsation" amid the currents of the pluralist artistic expressions in Indonesia.
[广告] 作品编号10033825,字画之家保真在售
鲁叁田作品 / 50×50cm / 软片未裱