Perception in Landscape Painting
My art began with landscape painting. Though I am getting old, when I think about my career, I will recall the scenes of making sketches as a boy. Land- scape was our apprenticeship, and I do not know how we view it today. At that time, my perception of nature, climate and subjects was spontaneous. I still remember how I was profoundly impressed by rape flowers, sunset, morning glow, stars, or a ray of light from the crack of a door. I can smell the atmosphere, even aroma of each season in the landscapes.
I was accustomed to observing my environment and taking note of our perception of seasons by painting landscape. I feel an affinity with nature by painting old towns and land. I become sensitive about natural phenomena in the daily artistic practice before and after a rainstorm, about rainfall in spring, winter, autumn, about snow and frost. It is not simple adap- tation like putting on more or less clothes, I also feel touched emotionally by the seasons, thus getting uniquely inspired.
Landscape painting establishes for us a familiar rap- port with nature. My early practice in landscape is beneficial to a grasp of background and atmosphere.
[广告] 作品编号10034475,字画之家保真在售
乾采雨作品 / 45×68cm / 软片未裱