(雅昌艺术网讯 本网记者)
一、2007年6月1日至6月18日 “天赋少年”杨春白雪现代油画艺术作品展
就象一粒种子,必须遇到阳光、土壤和水它才有机会开花结果。一个天才也是由诸多因素合和产生的, 上帝的恩赐在今世显明了, 在十岁白雪的画前不得不惊叹,这个艺术精灵散发出的天才气息。白雪的画正在构建一个自我的艺术城堡,这里面有她的家庭、生活环境、她的梦镜以及少年人持有的忧郁,画面上我们看到一个少年孤芳自赏的迷惘神情, 早于大多数孩子的成熟和内心世界的丰富使她的自我十分敏锐。看白雪过去的画你会感到画面和画家都在跳舞, 画面充满了生命力和延伸性; 新作品则更有一种智慧的沉淀和亲情之间的游戏感, 少年人的童真烂漫、无束随心、清静安闲通过其直觉自发的完成了,她的画令我特别感动,往往经过多年严格训练的成年画家, 苦心追求而不得的趣味和浑然天成白雪却轻易实现了。让一切悄悄发生,经历和更广阔的生命历程会让她的艺术自然呈现。十岁画了十年的画,一步步让我相信这目光纯净的女孩的愿望,把美好的艺术贡献给人类,让所有看过她画作的人们感受到生命和爱的永恒......
Ten-year retrospective of the ten-year old child genius Yang Chun Bai Xue Like a seed must have a place in the sun with fertile soil and water before it has the opportunity to flower and bear fruit, a genius as well is produced from the merging of many elements, and today the grace of God has manifested itself. Standing before the paintings of ten-year old Baixue one cannot but sigh in amazement. This elf exudes an air of genius. Baixue's paintings construct a subjective city wall of art. On the surface it is her family, living environment, her dream world and depressions. In the paintings we notice a uniquely attractive, self-willed and bemused air. A maturity that is earlier than that of most children and the richness of her heart have made her sense of self very acute Looking at Baixue's past paintings you can that the paintings and the painter are both in a dance. The paintings are replete with a vital and extensive force. Her new works are even more saturated with wisdom and playful feelings in an intimate space. There is the brilliance of a child's reality and unbridled spontaneity as well as a peace and leisure made complete through real feelings. Her paintings especially move me. Mature artists have undergone many years of strict training in the past and bitterly sought a taste they could not achieve, yet Baixue completely, naturally and easily realizes it. Letting everything silently take place, an experienced and even vaster course of life can make her art naturally present itself. A ten-year old has been painting for ten years and step by step makes us believe in the hopes of this pure-eyed girl: to gift humankind with beautiful works of art and let all those who see her artistic work get the feeling of the eternity of life and love…杨春白雪 展览作品
二、2007年6月1日至6月30日 秦昊画廊现代油画艺术作品展
展出肖红等十多位青年画家的三十多幅作品,他们以自己不同的画面语言和风格,表现了他们对时代、生活和社会的感受……肖红 展览作品
[广告] 作品编号10034475,字画之家保真在售
乾采雨作品 / 45×68cm / 软片未裱