(雅昌艺术网讯 本网记者) 生活在一个充溢着无数法律、道德、常识、习惯、权威的框架空间里,没有洪荒时代仰望苍穹的辽远心境,没有游牧时代的迁徙自由。我们日益桎梏在身份、工作、知识、亲人、朋友、同事、领导、大师……所形成的看不见摸不着的框架之中。我们对自身的认知也被框架约束而难以逾越――我是谁?从哪里来?要到那里去?这些看似已渐远去的命题仍旧困惑着当下的人们。
在这个看似难以逾越的困境中,我们逐渐形成了一种新的生活方式:在框架下出生,在框架下生活,在框架下思考,在框架下做爱,在框架下逝去……我们仍旧可以很快乐、很协调、很悠然、很自得地生活下去。 我向制定框架的大师们作揖!在他们伟大作品的外形框架下,我述说生活,述说文化,述说历史,述说爱恋。在和大师的对话中,我,寻找自由。 ——韦少东
Homage to the Great Masters
Nowadays we are living in the world full of rules such as the law, the morality, the common sense, the custom and the authority. Without the faraway mood of looking up to the vault of heaven in the ancient times, without the freedom of migration in the pastoral stage, day by day, we are being stranded by the rules of status, work, friends, families, colleagues, leaders, great masters ......which we can neither see nor feel. Our own cognition can hardly overstep with difficulty of being stranded by the rules. Who am I? Where I came from? Where I am to go? These problems are still puzzling us.
In the difficult position seeming hardly possible to be overstepped ,we have gradually formed one new life style:born under the rules, living under the rules, pondering under the rules, making love under the rules, passing away under the rules. We might still live our lives joyfully, coordinately and leisurely.
Homage to the great masters who had formulated the rules! Under the rules of their great works’ external form, I recount the life, recount the culture, recount the history, recount the love .In the dialogue with the masters, I am seeking the freedom.
Wei Shaodong画展名称: “向大师们作揖”韦少东油画作品个展“Homage to the Great Masters”:Wei Shaodong Oil Paintings Solo Exhibition展览日期: 2007年5月12日- 5月20日开幕式: 2007年5月12日 15:00-18:00Duration: May 12th, 2006 –May 20th, 2007Opening: 15:00 – 18:00, May 12th, 2007展览地点: 北京市朝阳区日坛东路北口(日坛公园东北角外)Avenue: Ritan Dong Rd. Chaoyang Dist. Beijing
[广告] 作品编号10034475,字画之家保真在售
乾采雨作品 / 45×68cm / 软片未裱